Le second numéro du douzième volume de Clinical Sociology est consacré à la sociologie Clinique. Nous retrouvons les contributions de Jeffrey C. Alexander (“The Paradoxes of Civil Society”), Robert Sévigny (“The Clinical Approach in the Social Sciences”), Eugène Enriquez (“The Clinical Approach: Genesis and Development in Western Europe”), Jacques Rhéaume (“The Project of Clinical Sociology in Quebec”), Vincent de Gaulejac (“Clinical Sociology and Life Histories”), Gilles Houle (“Clinical Analysis in the Social Sciences: Towards a Practical Epistemology”), Jean-Philippe Bouilloud (“Epistemological Aspects of Clinical Sociology: From an Epistemology of Production to an Epistemology of Reception”), Zhou Wenlin (“Handicapped People in China”) et Jon Clark (“A New Sociology for a New Social Structure: The Legacy of James S. Coleman”).
Vincent de Gaulejac (coordonné par), Clinical sociology, International Sociology, Londres, SAGE, Guest Editor, vol. 12, n°2, 1997